
Stress Busters: Fight away academic blues

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

So, it has been just four weeks into the term and I have made it to a record high of five all-nighters to complete homework (among other things). The stress is really getting on my nerves. If you are an average engineer, drinking away your sorrows would suffice; but as a non-alcoholic, that option is ruled out. With that being said, I figured out some ways to not make my life as miserable and I would like to share them with you. Voila!


I have found that physical exertion works wonders on your body. When you are tired, sleeping for six hours feels like an incredibly relaxing coma. I found that squash is an amazing sport for this reason. Not only is it physically exerting, but hitting the ball allows you to take out your frustrations on the (poor) ball. Soccer is also amazing at making you feel like a zombie by the end of it (which makes your physical state so pitiful that you forget your worries). Some of my friends chose to run or work out in the gym (which I personally do not find as satisfying) but that is also a viable option too.


I feel that social interactions and meeting people is a great way to fight the homework blues.  Meeting people makes me extremely relaxed (being the extrovert that I am). Just coming to POETS everyday between classes and homework proves to be a very invigorating experience for me. Seeing people just relaxing or eating their lunch allows me to unwind and takes my mind off bigger calamities of life (like a certain courses with electrons doing impossible things).


I recently found how relaxing reading can be. Just picking up a book (preferably fiction) immerses me into a whole other world with my imagination buzzing. Dragons, spies, murder mysteries, magic, fairies or vampires provide an alternate universe in which anything is possible. This drowns out the constant irritation of assignments being due or lab reports to be completed.

TV Shows and Movies

TV shows and movies are a great way to detach yourself from reality and engage in the misadventures of bumbling main characters or follow the passionate love story of good looking characters. I, however, must warn you that this can be a huge disaster. I watched a certain show about an OCD afflicted detective and lost hours of productivity at a stretch. This whirlpool of danger is best avoided as much as possible.


Cooking is an amazing way to unwind. The scent of the spices like paprika and nutmeg mingling in the nasal cavity is enough to sedate me and make me forget the pain that are assignments. Delicious food in my stomach also gives me immense amounts of satisfaction which makes me very, very happy.


All you gamers out there will agree with me when I say that it is the best way to blow off some steam. A little bit of “shooting-type” games (especially Counter Strike 1.6 nostalgia) is the best way to vent out “aggression” especially at 12 year old kids. Racing around in shiny cities in racing games gives me the adrenaline rush that I can’t get in real life. Pwning some n00bs can make you feel so good about yourself and subsequently lose track of time. So, tread with caution when you involve yourself in the immersive gameplay.

Spring-time Picnics

I believe that I like pic-a-nic baskets almost as much as yogi bear. A picnic is an amazing way to unwind on a bright and sunny spring morning. Lying on fragrant green grass, looking up at the clouds pass above your heads in various shapes and sizes, you will forget all the anguish caused by academics (or anything else).  I love to see expanses of land covered by dandelions swaying in the gentle breeze. However, be wary of those spring time allergies. It would suck to be sneezing all along.

Rock Out

Everybody in the world is bestowed with the innate ability to create and appreciate melody and rhythm. Those spare hours you have can be used to enhance your musical ability. If you can’t play a musical instrument, learning one would be an amazing way to unwind. When you do have the musical ability in you, nothing is better than jamming with your friends (or playing in an orchestra) to make you forget all track of the time-space continuum.

Extra-curricular activities

Being on a buzzing campus like uWaterloo, there is a huge plethora of options to choose from when it comes to extra-curricular activities. For the machine-heads there are the many student design teams. I can tell from personal experience that spending a full day at the machine shop can be weirdly therapeutic. You can choose to help out with The Iron Warrior and learn the skills of the trade.  For the culture inclined people, there are various clubs and societies to get engrossed with.


Shopping is an amazing way to unwind (if you are cashmoney ballin’). I know girls who can spend hours at a stretch at a mall without buying anything.  T’is the summer now and it is time to update your wardrobe with sundresses or sports gear (depending on what type of person you are). I find deal hunting incredibly satisfying for some reason. Personally, I love shopping at St. Jacobs, looking at the colourful array of fruits and vegetables.

I hope my list of stress busters helps someone out there who reads this. I am sure that there are many more stress busters that you can think of. Just make sure you do not take life to seriously or things might tend to go awry. Chillaxing is the key to success and the clichéd and true phrase “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is very much still relevant.

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