
UAE Outreach

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Wait, stop, look here! Any idea that Waterloo has a satellite campus in Dubai? And if so, have you heard of the 2 + 2 program? Well, for those who don’t, Waterloo established a campus in the UAE in 2009 which currently teaches the first two years of Chemical and Civil Engineering. The courses are not only the same, but are taught by some of the same professors! Now you know where some of those elusive profs have been slipping off to! After 2B, the students cross the pond and finish off their degree here, with everyone else. If you’re in 2B Chem or Civil right now, be ready for a bit of a surprise next term, you’re going to gain a few new classmates! Along with having the same classes, the students there are forming their own EngSoc, are adopting our traditions and even have their own tool! Over the term, we as directors plan on doing everything in our power to get our lovely comrades-in-academics everything they need to truly feel “Waterloo”.

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