
The End is Nigh! Just Call Me Mr. Big

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Good Afternoon Sexy Readers,

With graduation coming up soon for many of the fourth years, it gets one to thinking about their time here and how much they have changed. Our younger selves often had hopes and dreams completely different than what we have now. Their worries and cares were different. Their ambitions and expectations were not what they are now. The experience they were expecting might not be the same as what they got. I know that I had a lot of things that I was expecting to do, see and hear when I got here, I never wrote it down, and in hindsight it seems like that would have been a good idea to ensure that I got myself a true university experience. Often times this is called a ‘bucket list’ but is that really a good descriptor for someone who isn’t about to kick the bucket? Why isn’t it called a Before I Graduate List? A BIG List, and that’s what it can be if you have enough time to fill it. But what would you put on it? Here’s a few things I think you might find good to put on yours.

Cook your own food.

Go to a Party


Climb a mountain

Skip class

Road trip

Travel through time

Wrestle a Bear

Get over 90 in a class

Take a completely random course

Make a difference in someone’s life

Eat Kraft dinner

Go streaking

Spend a night being nostalgic

Make friends

Make enemies

Make friends out of your enemies

Write for the newspaper

Protest something

Do something dumb

Be there for someone

Eat the crippler at C&G

Stay silent for a day

Grow out your hair

Pull an all-nighter


Fall in love

Fall out of love

Sing karaoke

Shave your head

Paint a picture

Pull a prank

Have an adventure

Be ‘that guy’

Get a nickname

Take a picture

Pwn a n00b

Work abroad

Play the piano


Take a nap in the shade

Swim in a lake

Fy a kite

Visit all the buildings on campus

Eat at all the places in plaza

Wear a silly costume

Try C&D chili

Be in a photoshoot

Get a job

Insert activity here____

Get the story that you tell everyone when you meet them

Go to the moon

If you like the way these sound, maybe you should cut this out and take it with you. Cross out each thing that you want to do before you get out of this place. Or write your own and keep it in your back pocket. Before you get ‘too old’ (though that can’t ever really happen) try to get through at least 90% of it. I promise you’ll be a more worldly (though maybe not improved) person for it.

Until Next Time,

Stay Sexy.

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