
Letter to the Editor, Re: Sketchy Camera People are People too

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

In your previous edition of the Tin Soldier (dated July 21st, 2010), in the section of the Tin Tribunal, I was referred to as a “Creepy Camera Guy”. Normally, these types of comments just roll right off of me; however, events have occurred this term that have changed my opinion on the subject. I am, of course, referring to the stereotype that has been circulating around campus and the internets that being a sketchy or creepy person with a video camera is a negative characteristic and should be frowned upon.

Waterloo is a university that is well known for its innovation and going against the grain. However, when I go to events with my Sony Handycam (something that is completely against the grain) I get glares from the people around me and am automatically classified negatively as a sketchy or creepy person. Well I am here to tell you that this being sketchy is NOT a bad thing.

Yes, I do go to events with a camera and film people doing stuff. Yes, when I have an increased ethanol concentration in my bloodstream the camera may tend to zoom closer to the people being filmed and focus more on their chest area. And yes, I do take this footage and fit it to a song that I find appealing at the time. And while that is not the norm by a long shot, making the videos available for anyone who wants to watch at any hour in the privacy of their homes is a service many engineering students benefit from.

Furthermore, when comments appear on the internet of someone asking why there is a sketchy camera guy at the event the previous night, I wonder if there is something wrong with me. I try to reinforce in my mind that being creepy is a trait many people lack, and because they lack it they attack rather than try to understand the different perspective. This goes against what Waterloo is all about, and as one of the most innovative places in the world, we should all be appreciative of our differences.

I hope your readers can keep in mind the diversity of our university the next time they see me or another creepy camera person at an event, and appreciate our work for the university.


A Sketchy Camera Guy
3B Sketchical Engineering

1 Comment

  1. JohnDoe

    dude, it's called invasion of privacy.

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