
FedS Report

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello everyone,

Your FedS councilors just had their November meeting with the rest of council and the executive and have some updates for you.

Before going into updates, we would like to inform you that the by-election is over and we would like to congratulate the 2 new engineering student councilors; Yasser Al-Khder and Alexander Rutter. The election results are available at http://vote.feds.ca/

And now for the updates! First, the weekend before last was the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) General Assembly. OUSA is a provincial association that lobbies the provincial government regarding issues that relate to undergraduate education. One of the engineering councilors, Trevor Jenkins, attended the General Assembly, so feel free to email him at tekjenki@uwaterloo.ca if you would like to know more about OUSA.

FedS is currently forming a video team to enhance communication. Job descriptions will be up soon, so if you have experience with shooting or editing video, we suggest that you apply.

There was a long discussion in the last council meeting about conducting a review of the external organizations that FedS is a member of, mainly OUSA and the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) (the federal version of OUSA). The review will be conducted by the Education Advisory Committee (EAC) and the motion will be formally put forward in next month’s meeting, after President Brad Moggach and VP-Education Nick Soave come up with a scope for the review.

A reminder from VP-Internal Nikki Best that the Arts Symposium will be happening in the SLC on November 26th.

If you have any questions, feel free to talk with or email us. Your councilors are Alexander Rutter, Jordan Lui, Praveen Arichandran, Trevor Jenkins, Yasser Al-Khder and Yousif Al-Khder. Our contact information is available at governance.feds.ca/student_council

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