
Epic External

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey All!!

Hope your  Hallowe’en was faaaantastic and your midterms were bearable.

Little has been happening on the external organizations front lately. As of the time that I am writing this Congress applications are due tonight, but I wrote this last Friday so as of now Congress applications are closed! Also, delegates have been chosen for PEO-SC and we will be travelling to the University of Toronto for November 12th to the 14th. For NCWIE, myself and a delegation will be travelling to the University of Ottawa on November 19th – 21st.

On to charities! This past weekend was Hallowe’en for Hunger. Teams went around to neighbourhoods in the Waterloo region to collect canned goods for the Waterloo Food Bank. ALSO, UOIT has challenged us to a charity hockey game this upcoming weekend! There will be a bus leaving from the DWE cul-de-sac at 6 pm on Saturday the 6th of November (with face painting before hand) and will be returning by 2 am. The tickets will be $15 and will be on sale in the Orifice with all proceeds going to Free the Children. This is a going to be a great game so get your ticket ASAP!

MOVEMBER HAS STARTED! I better be seeing some stubbly moustaches! Movember is an event that lasts all of November where guys grow moustaches and both girls and guys raise money for prostate cancer research. If you want to participate but have not registered yet please go to www.movember.com.

The Waterloo Engineering Competition will be happening Friday night and Saturday morning. Students will be competing in three different categories: Junior Design, Senior Design and Consulting Engineering, with the winners of each section will move onto the Ontario Engineering Competition at UWO.

Shadow Day is an event where students interested in engineering will be shadowing an engineering student for the day.  It will be happening November 9th and 10th and if you are interested in getting shadowed please keep your ears open for how to register.

Now, it’s story time! Marc Tan (yes, you can’t just call him Marc) is currently also writing his exec report and partying it up in the back of POETS to Katy Perry. He is now devouring a pumpkin pie in the pumpkin pie eating contest but getting demolished by Mark Nally (yes, you can’t just call him Mark). End of story time.

If you have any questions please contact me at asoc_vpext@engmail.uwaterloo.ca.

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