
Enrol in your PD Elective! Plus other news including Plan 2015 outcome…

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Welcome back to VP-Ed article land, thanks for reading! This is another reminder to enrol in your PD electives this winter if you need to. Since students have a choice in what you take now, we need to enrol. As with regular classes you can enrol on Quest, search “PD” for WatPD courses and search “PDENG” for PDEng courses. Open enrolment started a few weeks ago, so you don’t need an appointment to enrol. Please enrol before mid-November, in order to help the program administration allocate the proper resources in time, though you are able to enrol for the whole open enrolment period. More info on these options and electives is available on the WatPD Eng website.  If you visit the website you will also find a recording from the forum including both the presentation and question period. Go to www.watpd-engineering.uwaterloo.ca

I submitted a memo to the dean’s office on Oct. 25th containing the results of the online survey. There were 305 responses, which is incredible! I‘m pretty sure that is some kind of record. For the most part, those who wrote additional comments did so constructively, and I very much appreciated that. The memo contained only the results of the survey because the dean’s office asked that we focus on identifying priorities now, and brainstorming solutions later. I have attached a table with the results from the survey for your information.

Goal Number of 10’s Overall Weighted Priority
Improve Professor Teaching Skills 131 2435
Improve TA Teaching Skills 73 2255
Increase the amount of study space 36 1722
Increase the amount of classroom space 25 1696
Increase the amount of student space 20 1501
Improve/Revamp the IT Infrastructure used by the faculty 59 2089
Expand counselling services 15 1297
Modernize the labs 75 2294
Increased awareness of scholarships 43 1844
Grow the faculty endowment 16 1499

Course Critique stuffing party is happening on Thursday Nov. 4th, please show up and help out! There is free pizza in it for you! The second round of Resume Critiques will happen on Nov. 9th, the time and location have yet to be determined, but keep the date in mind if you need help with your resume. The second academic rep meeting happened on Oct. 20th, we had Wayne Loucks (Associate Dean, UGrad) attend. He talked about the role of academic reps (from the faculty point of view), course critiques, and answered a ton of questions. I believe that the academic reps really appreciate his willingness to answer any questions that they had, thank you Prof. Loucks! I attended the monthly SUC and CEC meetings in October, and will be attending them again this month. At SUC we moved the late penalty issue back to Engineering, I’ll update you more on this after the next time it is discussed. I unfortunately had to miss the CWG meeting in October due to it happening during one of my midterms, I’m currently working on catching up on that.

Thanks for reading my article, as always if you have any questions of comments feel free to send me an email. asoc_vpedu@engmail.uwaterloo.ca

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