
Presidential Report

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Dear All Undergraduate Engineering Students,

I would like to apologize to all of you for the content that has been in my recent Iron Warrior articles this term. Although some may say they are comical they have not been relevant at all. The Iron Warrior itself generally receives many articles for each issue and there is a high demand for the space that they provide. Executive reports are, from my knowledge, a required portion of the Iron Warrior so that all Undergraduate Engineering students can be properly informed of the on goings on the Engineering Society and what/how we are trying to improve your life here at the school. Therefore it is very unfair that your Executive have been misusing this space that could have been very well used for something far more useful and that was written by Undergraduate Engineering students such as yourself. On another note, if the Executive did wish to provide comic relief to students then they very well could have written an article entirely separate to their report that did this. For this, I apologize on behalf of the Engineering Society.

Now for my actual report….

Last weekend of June 26th, I attended the Engineering Student Society Council Ontario (ESSCO) Annual General Meeting. If you have read Kevin’s article, I’m sure you can find out all about ESSCO AGM, but I personally would like to inform you of what I gained from attending. I learned mountainous numbers of ways to improve the life of students here at the University of Waterloo, which I attend to implement as soon as possible. Ways to improve our student life, our academics, our image, our involvement, our professionalism, our spirit and our pride. I plan to fix problems that I had only become aware of recently, problems that are not serious, but are stunting our ability as engineering students to fully grow and prosper. If you would like to help add your ideas to mine I would be greatly appreciative. I will be discussing them at the next Engineering Society meeting and would love for you to be there, Wednesday, July 7th 5:30pm in CPH 3607.

Also, the TOOL attended Canada Day and the kids there loved it and they even had the opportunity to dress up as a Tool Bearer. It was a ton of fun.


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