
Outgoing VP Education

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey A-soc,

Here are a few last updates as term comes to an end. We had our last academic rep meeting where the reps received updates on PDEng, Exam Bank Issues and Waterloo SOS.

PDEng Task Force  is almost ready to release the 2nd set of recommendations for faculty and student feedback. Be informed at http://www.engineering.uwaterloo.ca/pdengrenewal. Overall, I would like tosummarize the changes that will make PDEng more flexible, accommodating and user friendly. All of the changes will be passed to our Dean when he makes the final call for implementation. Dean Sedra is very supportive of the initiative and the changes may be implemented as soon as this Spring term. I would like to thank Sasha Avreline for the tireless and phenomenal work he has done to move the Task Force team forward. As a student rep, he has done so much for PDEng in so many different ways.

Giving EngSoc exam bank access to faculty members has been discussed a lot this term. From Iron Warrior articles, Academic rep meetings and EngSoc meetings, a lot of perspective and reasoning have been raised to agree/disagree with the idea. From the faculty’s point of view, they believe they should get the access if needed, but they do not have any intention of controlling our exam bank. From academic reps’ point of view, there is a benefit to give access to faculty members because instructors can take down irrelevant exams that waste students’ time, correct wrong solutions and give new professors an idea of the previous exam coverage and level of difficulty. From EngSoc members’ point of view, they are afraid the exam bank will be shutdown (similar to the shutdown of SciSoc exam bank 2 years ago) and do not see sufficient benefit for the students. Perhaps, it’s worthwhile getting the different groups to talk to each other and arrive at a compromise…

On the brighter side, Waterloo SOS expansion to engineering faculty is moving slowly but surely. By the Fall 2010, Waterloo SOS (Students Offering Support) is hoping to hold numerous midterm/final exam aid sessions for first year math and science engineering courses. A number of logistics have been discussed with the Associate Dean and have received faculty’s consent. Now, it’s up to you and your friends to get involved in Waterloo SOS to become tutors, coordinators and execs for a great cause. The idea is to have upper year students run exam aid sessions and raise money to support education projects in Latin America. All student participants at these sessions pay $15-$20 donation for this great cause. If you are interested in getting involved in the Fall term, email me at s14liu@uwaterloo.ca .

I would like to take this time and thank all of my directors who have volunteered their time from their busy schedules to academic rep meetings, course critique work, and resume critique sessions among others. It is definitely this kind of energy and spirit that keeps EngSoc going and they are the ones who get things done at the end of the day.

My term in the office is almost over, but the new Exec are eager and ready to take on the roles next term. One of my goals as VP Education was to build community throughout UW Engineering and I think more people are becoming a part of EngSoc; which is awesome. Besides Waterloo SOS, I have started a motivational speaker series and www.light-it-up.org, an educational website. Another goal was to be good VP-Ed. That meant a lot of things but I feel I got most of them done so I hope people are satisfied with my job. What you think? Let me know at s14liu@uwaterloo.ca and stay in touch.

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