
Sponsorships and ECIF and more?

Hey there folks! It’s almost time for me to say goodbye as your VP Finance here on A-Society. Pretty soon you will be receiving your updates on all things dollaree-doo from Michelle Teplitski. I’m in the process of transitioning Michelle into her new role as VP Finance, and I know she’s going to do a great job. We’re all lucky to have such a vibrant, driven individual in the role moving forward. One day soon, she will replace me entirely.

But this is not that day!

The sponsorship application deadline will have passed by the time this issue hits shelves, but the Sponsorship Committee will be meeting this Saturday to discuss funding allocations. Once this is done, I will be sure to update you all, both here and at council, on the results. Most terms we get funding applications only from Student Design Teams, but that shouldn’t stop you from inquiring or applying in the future.

The Engineering Capital Improvements Fund (ECIF) is used to support lasting capital improvements to student space and services in the Engineering Society. This term, there is approximately $10 000 of funding available to be allocated on March 20th at the final Board of Directors meeting of the term. In the past, ECIF has funded a number of purchases, such as furniture for the POETS patio, a new projector for POETS, a drum kit, speakers and lighting equipment, and a bike repair stand. The ECIF funds are allocated by the Board of Directors and any student is able to submit a proposal for the fund, at any time. Applications for the ECIF can be submitted at bit.ly/ECIFProposals. The deadline for applications for Winter 2018 is March 18th at 11:59PM. If you are interested in learning more about ECIF, please email me at vpfinance.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

I will also be submitting a proposal to the Federation of Students’ own Student Life Endowment Fund (SLEF) for new furniture for POETS in the coming few weeks. As you may know, Katie Arnold, BSoc’s VP Finance-fit-President, first initiated this last year when she requested and received 3 new couches for POETS. (They’re the nice ones in there with a different design.) SLEF applications are accepted once per year and Katie developed a plan to bring all new furniture to POETS, replacing the worn, old furniture we have in there currently. She also donated the old furniture to Engineering Student groups on campus, and I (or more likely Michelle) will be doing the same, so keep an eye out for POETS furniture donation applications within the year (once we receive the new furniture).

Finally may you recover speedily from the horrors of midterms. You can find me in the EngSoc Office in CPH 1327 Wednesday mornings or at vpfinance.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. Thanks for sticking with me this far. Until next time!

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