
What is a VP Communications? An Intro to Communications & Conferences

Hey everyone, my name is Dan Robertson and I’m happy to be your Vice President Communications for the Waterloo Engineering Society ‘B’! I’m in my 3B term of Computer Engineering and just got back from an exchange in Denmark at Danmarks Tekniske Universitet… no I can’t speak Danish, but I can read a little bit of it!
VP Communications is responsible for internal communications and external representation. In terms of internal communications, I oversee all updates and communications you receive from the Engineering Society. This includes social media, the mailing list, the website, and even the LCD screens around different engineering buildings. We are always trying to get you the information you want and need as efficiently and consistently as possible. If you’re new to Waterloo, or missed the survey last term, feel free to send me an email about any improvements that could be made. In terms of external representation, I sit on two engineering student organization councils, the Engineering Student Societies’ Council of Ontario (ESSCO), and the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES). On these councils, representatives come together to discuss ideas, goals, and initiatives. At plenary (think EngSoc meeting), I vote on behalf of Waterloo ‘B’. These two councils represent engineering students on a provincial and national level, and are actively working to benefit you! I also get to bring a delegation to conferences put on by these organizations, and you could be a part of it!
Conferences are a great way to develop your leadership skills, network with other students and industry professionals, and bring back ideas to our Engineering Society, so make sure to keep an eye on our Facebook page for applications to be a delegate. I also liaise with Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO), and Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE). From these organizations I bring relevant student initiatives as well as information for graduating engineers who are ready to get licensed and/or enter the workforce.
I hope you all have a great term, if you have any questions or just want to chat feel free to find me in the orifice Monday and Friday 12:30pm-1:30pm or Thursday 10:30am-11:30am, or send me an email at vpcomm.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca!

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