
VP External Report: Pushing/Pulling a Bus for Charity

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Bus Push is taking place at 9:30 am this coming Saturday, March 26. Be sure to sign up in the EngSoc office and online if you would like to participate. Also, make sure you grab a pledge form and start collecting donations quickly. Bus Push is our annual charity fundraiser where the Engineering Society pulls a GRT bus from campus to Kitchener. The target this year is to raise $5000 dollars for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Keep an eye on the mailing list for more details as they come out.

That’s it for event announcements! My role with EngSoc is finally starting to wind down. Thanks to all my great directors and everyone who helped out with events over my two terms in office. I had a great time serving engineering students as one of your EngSoc execs. Thanks again for this opportunity!

Yasser Al-Khder will be taking my post for the next sixteen months. For the remainder of the term I will be gradually transitioning him into the VP External portfolio. I am confident that he will do a great job.

That’s all. We had a good run.


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