
VP Internal Report: Get Involved and Have Fun!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Well this is it everyone, my last IW article as an EngSoc executive. It’s been one heck of a ride and despite sometimes taking on more than I can handle, I wouldn’t change it for anything. I don’t really have too much to discuss as per EngSoc related things, however you should all join the EngSoc Facebook group. Simply search “UW Engineering Society” and join. You can like our page which is also “UW Engineering Society”.

So, since I only have a few more weeks left at this school, I thought that I would impart some wisdom that I have acquired over the years:

1) Get involved in something! It doesn’t matter what it is but being a part of something beyond going to class will really help round you out as an individual and make you a better engineer in the long run.

2) Get sleep! There comes a point when studying for an extra hour will be less effective than just going to bed. Don’t undervalue the importance of a good night’s sleep.

3) Exercise! I will be the first to admit that I would much rather play some Call of Duty, rather than go for a run. But when you exercise you can clear your mind, reduce stress and feel better overall.

4) Make friends! Friends are a huge asset, they can help you with assignments, with studying and most importantly, you can hang out with them. Countless times in my 5 years here, a friend has bailed me out incredibly whether it was reminding me of a due date or helping me with a problem. Don’t sit in your room alone.

5) Lastly, HAVE FUN! Enjoy your time here, school in itself is fine and dandy, but going and doing something completely random with friends is better. Don’t let school limit your ability to have a good time. But know the balance, get your work done, and figure out what grade level you’re happy with.

Maybe you agree with me, maybe you don’t, but this is what I have found has worked for me, and I know it has worked for others. So, thanks Waterloo for all the good times over the last 5 years, it’s been a blast.

Take care,

Peter Kelly

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