
VP Internal Incoming Exec Report

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello engineering et. al.!

I hope everyone enjoyed the warm weather this past week and hopefully it’s given you some extra energy to power through those final projects or assignments. With the term winding down and exams starting to peer over the horizon, I would like to take some time to introduce myself before many of you disappear into the dungeons and then off to the lands of co-op. So, with no further ado, Andrew Fisher is my name; your VP Internal [Operations] is my game. I am from the small town of Dorchester, ON, 15 minutes east of London. Growing up, I developed a fond love of Lego and a desire to understand why buildings were designed the way they were. This explains why I am currently in my 3A term of Civil Engineering.

Outside my involvement with the Engineering Society, I am (or was) an active long distance runner. I also enjoy some hockey now and then and love (and I mean LOVE) to play golf. As soon as April hits, I will be out there full swing! I enjoy almost any type of music and have no real desire to play video games. I would consider myself technically inept so if you have any questions about computers, anything to do with computers, or anything which attaches to a computer, you are better off asking someone else. Favourite colour is red and if I wasn’t in engineering, I would be a wedding planner as event planning is a passion for me. For a further synopsis of my life, just ask. I am very approachable and will be willing to discuss anything related or unrelated to my position. In conclusion, I would like to say thank you for the support so far, and I look forward to representing you all these next 16 months as your VP Internal [Operations]!

XO XO Andrew Fisher.

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