
VP Internal Report

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello EngSoc!

If you’re reading this now it means one of two things: it’s either Wednesday or sometime after Wednesday. With the term going by in a whirlwind of laughs, tears and awesomeness, I thought I would take this time to thank all of the people who have donated their precious time to EngSoc. Of course I can’t name everyone, but you know who you are. So, to you, thank you for all of your work this term and doing an awesome job. Also, I would like to thank all the people that have gone out to events this term, without you guys/gals there would be no point in organizing an event.

Hey! Speaking of events, this Friday (March 11) there is going to be an awesome event at FED Hall. It will be a Charity Ball for the charity Free the Children. This event is campus wide, so feel free to bring your roommates, brother/sister, cousins, or that person that you stare at awkwardly everyday on the bus and you wished you had something to talk to them about (now you do). Tickets are $15 and all proceeds will be going to the charity. It is masquerade themed so feel free to make something fancy or nothing, but then while there you stand up against a pole, look into the distance and hide behind the aura of mystery you just created. Tickets are available in the EngSoc Office or at the door the night of. [Please buy in advance to help with the planning process].

Until next time,

Peter Kelly, VP Int.

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