
Presidential Report: What you should know about our Dean, Dr. Adel Sedra

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

The content of this article are my opinions only and do not represent the opinions of the Engineering Society or the opinions of the entire Engineering Student body.

I wanted to take a break on reporting about the Engineering Society for this issue, mostly because nothing of huge importance (other than the Vision 2015 forum) has happened since last week, but also because I wanted to take a second to write about our Dean, Dr. Adel Sedra.

I have had many formal and informal opportunities to talk and discuss issues with Dean Sedra in my position as Engineering Society President. I wouldn’t say that the average uninformed engineering student is displeased with the performance of our Dean; I would say this is far from the truth. I think that all the students here can agree that our Dean does a fantastic job of keeping the reputation of Waterloo Engineering at the top, and ensuring that we graduate only the best engineers in Canada. No, I don’t think anyone would ever say that our Dean does a bad job. However, I hear murmurs once in awhile that our Faculty does not care about our opinions as students, and that they don’t care about student life here on campus. I have to say that this is not true at all.

From my experiences with Dean Sedra, I can tell you that he is a very open-minded individual, but more importantly, he cares a tremendous amount about not only our opinions but also about our well-being as students. After you get past the big scary fact that he is our Dean, he is actually a very approachable person with a great sense of humour.

Now you may be thinking I am trying to earn brownie points with our faculty. Well that is also not true. I really have no ulterior motive to this article, since I am about to graduate. I just feel as though I have had the privilege to see a side of our Dean that many have not, and I felt as though I should share this with the student body.

I have come across certain events as a student leader in the 5 years I have been here at Waterloo, and these events have left a bitter taste in my mouth about the school as a whole. This has pushed me to want to graduate with thoughts of “Good riddance”. However, it is because of the attitude our Dean and our faculty has had towards me as a student that I feel appreciated as a leader and that I plan on graduating from this school with the thoughts “I’m proud to have graduated from Waterloo”.

So when you see our Dean in the hall give him a wave, or maybe a “Hi”: I’m sure he’ll give one right back.

On a related note:

The Dean is coming to the next Engsoc Meeting (Feb 16th @ 5:30pm CPH 3607). Please email me any questions you have for him prez_bsoc@engmail.uwaterloo.ca.

And congratulations to Alessia Danelon our new President who will be replacing me come April.

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