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Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

That apparently means “From the Throne of the Chief” in Klingon. It was the closest to my previous run of “From the Desk of the President” series.

Wow! What a term. I can’t believe it’s almost over! A quick recap of the past two weeks includes the Santa Claus Parade, EngPlay, a meeting with the CEAB, and lots of POETS renovation meetings. The Santa Claus Parade occurred on Saturday, November 20th. We wound our way all through Uptown Waterloo to Downtown Kitchener, cheering and spreading the holiday spirit! The TOOL graced the town with its presence as it was carried in the back of the truck by the ever-vigilant TOOL Bearers. Despite Christmas themed attire, the Bearers still attracted a bit of extra attention from little kids along the route. Mini Baja and Concrete toboggan also joined us for a great time. Big thanks to Ashley Goddard and her crew for building a great float!

On Monday, November 22nd, the executives and I met with the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB). The purpose was to collect information as the Mechatronics program underwent its periodical review. These visits are fairly straightforward and are required for all engineering programs. The CEAB will typically gather information from students, faculty and staff and provide recommendations for further growth and benefit for the enrolled students.

As previously mentioned, POETS and the CnD have been closed for asbestos removal. We have been planning to conduct a large number of renovations while everything has been removed. Plans include getting new lighting, floors, a sink, and furniture. As always, we need feedback from you to help us make the POETS experience the best it can be. Discussion of POETS renovations will occur at our final council meeting on December 1st. There is separate funding for the sink and the bistro tables in the foyer from gifts from previously graduated classes. The sink will allow students to clean their lunch containers and allow us to sell mixed drinks in POETS during licensed hours. Despite the inconvenience of closing POETS and the CnD, we promise that everything will look super fantastic when we get back in the summer!

Speaking of the summer, guess what! DIRECTORSHIP APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN!!! Apply online at http://engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/directors. Make sure you’ve signed in! Applications will be open until Wednesday, December 8th at midnight.

Who are we looking for? ANYONE!!! If you want to pick up organizational and leadership skills, sign up! If you want to run super awesome events and services, sign up! If you want to help out with the Society, sign up! If you want to hang out more with exec, sign up!!! Taking a directorship can offer a myriad of amazing experiences and benefits. Look at the directorship list on our website and see if there’s anything you’d love to try. If you have a great idea you want to run, talk to the exec! We can help you make your directorship dreams come true. APPLY!!! DO IT!!! DO IT NAUUUUGHH!!!

Finally, this term could not have happened without some amazing people. First, I want to thank Mary Bland, our business manager. She is the most dedicated woman to our Society I have ever met. If you ever see her, please give her a huge thank you! Secondly, I want to thank my exec team. They’ve all done a spectacular amount of work this term. From Leah’s initiatives to bring more conference information back here, to Sean’s work on getting an Archineering night to occur, to Marc’s fantastic work on donations and student teams, to Eric’s massive inputs everywhere this term (co-op to Wat PD Engineering).

Also, THANK YOU to my directors. Mike McCauley has done a superb job as Speaker! Great work Griff Ferguson, Brock Kopp, Eric Evenchick, and Matt Casswell! You guys made sure POETS ran smoothly and offered some great OT’s. Thank you Stuart Pearson for running Remembrance Day. It was a wonderful ceremony. And lastly, Derek Thompson attended meetings for me last term while we were all on co-op. Thanks to him, A-soc could be kept informed and represented while B-soc was running the show. Superb job everyone!

So, I wish you luck on all your exams and I can’t wait for the most amazing summer term to come!



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