
Budgets are Done and Exec Car Fulls are Interesting…

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

So it’s my third exec report, the streak of me being in office continues. Currently, I am in a car driving home on the 401 with your off-stream VPEx, the SciSoc VPAF, and a ginger, and it is quite a full car. The company is good but traffic is awful, I would know, I analyze traffic all the time.  Kevin Ling thinks that traffic in Toronto is better than the traffic between Milton and Waterloo, the best logic ever… Michael Hughes, our resident ginger, thinks that he sees Jesus everywhere, so it seems the ride is really getting to our heads! And Claire Coombs the SciSoc VPAF brought fuzzy peaches and they are amazing right now. Fun fact of the trip, VMS signs state that you can get demerit points for not wearing seat belt, watch out!

More importantly there have been a lot of fun things in the last 2 weeks. I hope you enjoyed our fantastic amazing exec act at TalEng, and hopefully you won’t boo us off next term. Novelties sales at Alumni Day were amazing, we sold a lot of items (like bowling shirts) and met many interesting alumni who were very enthusiastic about Novelties. Also during Council, we approved a number of capital purchases, these include A BUTTON MAKER, a spanking new piano keyboard, and a computer upgrade for the POETS COMPUTER WHICH WILL BE AMAZING! Also Council approved the budget which is listed below and $10,000 in DONATIONS, so get those proposals in to me by November 1st to get in on this awesome money, if you have any question don’t hesitate to email me. Office Supplies should hopefully be in next week, I should be able to get a ride to wholesale and get those to the Orifice. That’s it from me for now, stay tuned for more awesome reports.

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