
Du bureau du Président…

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Whew! Well under way here as we proceed into the Thanksgiving week. I hope everything is going smoothly for everyone so far! We’re off to a fairly good start but keep an eye out because there’s a lot more to come! Unfortunately, we’re working through a couple of bank difficulties on signing authority, but we hope to have it wrapped up this week (if not already by the time of publication). I apologize for any inconveniences. If you need reimbursement immediately, please contact me (asoc_prez@engmail.uwaterloo.ca), and we will work something out.
Here’s a brief summary of a few events from the past two or three weeks. September 25th was the Homecoming weekend, and many former Waterloo Grads were around. All in all a very interesting night! Heard stories from some of the first classes to ever see the TOOL and even ran into one of my bosses from a co-op term! Meeting #2 was on Wednesday the 29th. Dean Sedra was in attendance and provided an update on the UAE Campus and on the wrap up of the Vision 2010 plan. A full report of the Vision 2010 plan will be set up on the Dean of Engineering’s website in the near future for all students to review. The Dean is looking for input on the next five year plan; contact Eric Cousineau (asoc_vpedu@engmail.uwaterloo.ca) as he is co-ordinating student submissions.
Upcoming events include our next Council Meeting on Wednesday the 13th, the grand opening of E5 on October 19th, and the rest of the executives and I will be hopefully having a meeting with the Dean on the 22nd. Meeting #3 will have the presentations for anyone nominated for the Paul and Paula Plummer Award. This is a great chance to see the accomplishments of your fellow students. As always, there will be free food after! POETS is also licensed for the hour after the meeting! If you have any questions you’d like us to discuss with Dean Sedra in our meeting, feel free to talk to one of the executives.
Au revoir, Tim

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