
OMG Look: Events!!!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey everyone and welcome back to the best section of the Iron Warrior! There isn’t a whole lot to update you on but I’ll do my best to keep you interested and on the edge of your seat! BE MORE EXCITED!!!
There was an excellent turn out for Enginuity and from what I could see the thrones were looking pretty sturdy as well Frosh Mentoring has been hosting highly successful Glee nights in POETS on Tuesdays. TalEng last Wednesday was great, thanks to everyone who came out and an extra special thanks to everyone who preformed, excluding exec, we need to work on our singing.
As for upcoming events I look forward to seeing all of the 2013’s who are going to Laser Quest tomorrow and I wish the 2012’s the best of luck in their 500ish-days-till-IRS-Andre this Friday in POETS! EngPlay has its cast and be on the lookout for Curling Tickets (happening Nov. 6th).
My final point is with regards to my “POLE”. The response from last week was overwhelming! Just kidding. Actually there wasn’t much interest in responding so I have decided to forego that idea for now and look into other methods of gaining  feedback on EngSoc and its events. I will of course keep you posted.
Enjoy Oktoberfest!!
Sean Walsh
Vice President Internal

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