
Star Wars Episode MMXVIII.5 Revenge of the Midterms

As the impending tsunami of midterm week approaches, I sit peacefully in the calm before the storm, very carefully pretending like everything is fine. As my last message to the engineering community before midterm week painfully reminds me there is more to this life than EngSoc, I wish everyone the best of luck in this difficult time of year. May your procrastination never exceed your productivity.
We’ve begun to prepare for the Joint Annual General Meeting, this June 23rd at 6pm. We will be going over a lot of important topics, including the increase of the EngSoc fee, electing the new Board of Directors for the 2018-2019 year, and a bunch of important and relevant changes to our governing documents. The meeting is open to all undergraduate Engineering Society members, and we encourage you to come out, and bring 2 proxied votes as well to ensure that we meet the minimum attendance required to run the meeting. There will be dinner provided just before the meeting starts, so I hope you can make it and join us!
I’m happy to congratulate Julia Reinstein as the Spring 2018 Chief Feedback Officer. She will be collecting feedback on the Engineering Society Executive and the events conducted throughout the term. There are many ways you can provide feedback, including our new feedback form; bit.ly/FeedbackS18. If you have any questions or want to explore other feedback avenues, you can reach out to Julia at cfo.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. Good luck my friends, May the Force Be With You.

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