
The Life and Times of DJ MadHatter

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

I am the MadHatter. I have been wandering around the area taking note of the wonderful things that bestow themselves upon me.  From the green trees to the pineapple helmet, the cold hallways to the fish coloured laundromats, the purple smelling staples and sweaty sausage fixings. I have seen all, said all, heard all.  My stories are nothing if I can’t share them with my peeps.

Sooo……. I was walking through UW during Frosh Week and heard a cheerful sound. Hundreds and hundreds of first years running all around. They all looked so happy and sweet, thinking that university will be an easy feat. And to their dismay, EDCOM would not let them live another day. Amazing Canadians, and people from all over, came to roll in the clover. As the days had progressed, the leaders and frosh were dressed. With hardhats from here to Isengard, the frosh were told to fight long and hard. To finish time here under 7 years, with happiness, friendship and lots of BEER. They now know that engineering is their fate, with classes up the ying-yang that they will hate. On that note I’ll start the chant, “HERE’S TO THE ENGINEERS!!”, they rant. With an engineering spirit and a glass in their hands, we respect THE TOOL and all its commands. Its inspiration and wisdom shall hold true and strong, even if for you engineering seems wrong. As you venture out into this new world, your lives with each other will become swirled (yeah I know it’s a stretch). Just remember one day when you look to the sky, you will hold that ringed finger up there so high. With all the memories and friends you all have made, ’cause now you’re receiving CASH MONEY!! GETTIN PAID! So if you’re in bed and hear such a clatter, don’t worry or wake it’s just me, your friend, the Mad Hatter!

You will know me as the Lord, AS I LAY MY VENGEANCE UPON YOU! Englewood-Jack!

To all ma peeps, PCE out for now!!


DJ Madhatter

Any questions you would like answered drop me a line at Satisfaction comes with experience…. ask Chad! For all other enquiries please dial 1 and an operator with be with you shortly.

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