Hello everyone, hopefully the term is going well for all of you.
PD Faculty Meeting
First up, I’ll be talking about a PD meeting between the Faculty and students that happened earlier in the term. It was a great opportunity for students to express their views on questions such as:
What are the top three professional development courses that are missing from the program that you would like to take?
What is your biggest gripe about WatPD, Eng?
How do you choose your WatPD, Eng courses?
(If you have any strong opinions on those questions, feel free to email me!)
The meeting certainly allowed students to learn something new. For example, did you know that PD20 and PD21 replaced the first work term report? As a result, we only write 3, rather than 4, reports. Overall, the meeting was very productive and it seems that the Faculty is truly interested in improving the PD program.
Teaching Award
Each term, the Engineering Society awards one deserving instructor with the Teaching Excellence Award. It’s given each term to a lecturer, professor, or lab instructor who has shown outstanding contributions towards undergraduate learning. To be eligible, they must be in the Faculty of Engineering and have not previously won the award. The nomination form is now available on our Facebook page, so if you have (or have had) a great instructor you should take the time to nominate them!
Hardware Workshop
In September, we ran an extremely successful hardware workshop with support from the Engineering Ideas Clinic. We had over 100 students attend the Arduino intro workshop, so I’d like to send out a huge thanks to the directors who made that possible.
We have another free workshop coming up in October, and in November we’re running two identical robot workshops. The November workshops are $40, at which students will be assembling and learning how to program their robot, and then get to take them home. If it’s something that interests you, I’d heavily encourage you to come by the Orifice (CPH 1327) to sign up.
That’s all for now. As always, if you have any questions come by the Orifice or shoot me an email at vpeducation.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. All the exec love hearing student opinions, or you can just stop by to say hi! Until next time, cheers.
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