Hello again Waterloo Engineering! Not a whole lot has happened since the last article, but I’m going to update you on what has happened, as well as a few things that wouldn’t fit in my last article!
First off, the Presidential race is over. Congratulations to Abdullah Barakat on being elected for EngSoc ‘A’ President.
Next up in terms of elections is the Vice-Presidential and WEEF. In this election, we will be electing VP Academic, VP Communications, VP Operations and Finance, and VP Student Life.
Nominations for these positions will be open from October 13th – 21st. Nomination forms can be found online or in the Orifice (CPH 1327) during this period. If you are at all interested in running for an Executive position, I highly encourage you to read our Executive Blog Post Series on the website (engsoc.uwaterloo.ca). There are articles on why you should run and on how to run in the election, and, before the nomination period, there will be articles spotlighting each position.
On October 17th from 5-6pm, we will be hosting an information session on the Executive positions and the election process. I strongly encourage you to come out, ask any questions about the positions, and consider running to be exec!
Other Items
For those of you that aren’t aware, Pearl Sullivan’s term as Dean of Engineering is ending June 30th, 2017 and she has decided to not seek renewal. Under Policy 45, the University is forming a nominating committee to select the next dean. As per the policy, there is one undergrad student from the Faculty on the committee, appointed by Feds in consultation with the Society; after discussion with Rachel, the BSoc President, we decided that I would serve as that member. The committee is still being formed and has not met yet, but you should be expecting more updates about this process throughout the rest of the term.
P**5 is a term-long competition between all on-stream classes with the purpose of encouraging friendly class competition, promoting participation in the Engineering community and rewarding spirited and involved classes. Typically this competition is run on a straight point systems. This term, our P**5 directors are trialing running this competition on a per-capita basis based on a study completed after the Winter 2016 term. If you have any questions, please contact the directors at ptothefive@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca
I’m working with my awesome website directors this term to improve the website! Some things that we’re looking at are layout and architecture improvements, services expansions (scholarship and syllabus banks), revamping some pages, and some more back-end improvements as well.
Lastly, for the rest of the term, I am going to be working towards a collaboration with the Faculty on collecting feedback on and improving the student experience as a whole. This is a new initiative that I am hoping to get off the ground before my term as President is complete. I am very open to hearing from you about the undergraduate experience for students and how it can be improved. Feel free to contact me at president.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca to give your ideas or to set up a meeting to chat!
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