
Acting President Report

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Now that the term is well underway, I hope you are all enjoying things so far! It’s been busy but there is a lot more to look forward to, so make sure you check out the events calendar!

I’d like to start by talking a bit about Dean Sedra. He will be coming to the next EngSoc meeting (Feb. 3) to give us an update on some of the hot topics he has been working on lately as well as to answer some questions students have, so be sure to make it out for that. The Exec are also going to be sitting down with him later the same week to talk about some of the things we are working on so if there is anything you’d like us to bring up with him specifically, don’t hesitate to ask one of us and we’d be happy to bring it up for you!

I’m also happy to announce that Paul Fugure is our Chief Returning Officer (CRO) for this term with Mike Seliske acting as the assistant CRO. Be sure to check out Paul’s article for the latest in elections news. If you are considering running for an executive position and want to know a little more about what each of the positions are responsible for, feel free to stop any of the Exec at anytime and we’d be happy to tell you about the amazing things we do!

We had our second round of P&P nominations at the last EngSoc meeting but we will be accepting nominations until 5pm on Feb. 3, so email me if you still have anyone in mind. Presentations will be at meeting 3 (Feb. 3).

Finally, as I mentioned during the last meeting, we now have fancy EngSoc branded greeting cards available for purchase in the Orifice. They have the EngSoc logo embossed on the front and come with a snazzy yellow envelope – all for only $2!

That’s all for now – I hope to see everyone out at the next meeting! Good luck studying for midterms!!

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