
Welcome from your Vice-Presidents Internal

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Oh? I didn’t see you come in there.  Well don’t be shy, sit down.  Would you like some coffee or tea?

I’m Sean Walsh and I am the VP-Internal for A-Soc, for Fall 2010 and I’m Peter Kelly the VP Internal for B-Soc, for Winter 2011.  We’re going to give you a quick breakdown as to what we do, and what you can expect from us throughout the term.

What does the VP-Internal (VPI) do?

Our main job is to make sure that you and your class have a good time at Waterloo.  We make sure that each class has a representative present at our bi-weekly meetings, so that they can vote on matters that will affect their time here at Waterloo.  Class reps should be elected at the start of the term, but the A-Soc exec team will tell you more about that during class visits.

Another major part of the VPI role is to oversee the running of some great events throughout the term; Genius Bowl (Trivia Competition), Semi Formal (Fancy dinner/dance), Art (photo contests, finger painting, etc.), Music (open mics, rockband competitions) and TalEng (engineering talent show).  These are just to get us started, there are plenty more, which are a blast to attend and even more fun to run, so get involved!  If you have a certain type of event you’d like to see run just let Sean or Peter know.

How to get more information?

You can get involved and can find out about up and coming events in a number of ways:

1. By going to Engineering Society meetings, held every other Wednesday from 5:30-7:30 in CPH 3607.

2. By going to the Engineering Society Google mailing list: for the fall, the mailing list can be joined by going to this link: http://groups.google.com/group/engsoc_a_general/subscribe

3. By emailing either of us at asoc_vpint@engmail.uwaterloo.ca (Sean) or bsoc_vpint@engmail.uwaterloo.ca (Peter)

4. By checking our event calenders. There is the Google Calender which can be found in the group, or the official Engineering Society calender on our website: http://www.engsoc.uwaterloo.ca/events/calendar

5. Read the scrolling marquee in CPH foyer.  You never know what little tidbit of information it may have.

6. BEST METHOD: Visiting us in the Engineering Society Office (a.k.a. The Orifice) which is down the hall from POETS! We’d love to chat with you when we’re around!

Have a blast! Welcome to Waterloo Engineering!

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