
VP Finance: A Toast Tu a New Term

The sun is shining, flowers are blooming, and every other kilometre between Toronto and Waterloo is bustling with construction workers, determined to make sure that no one can make it anywhere ever again. What do these things mean? Spring term, obviously!

After spending a great four months working in a chocolate factory for my co-op term, I’m back for my second academic term as VP Finance! Oh, how exciting. What kind of fiscal adventures await? What kinds of budget-defying tricks do I have up my sleeve? What kind of hijinks will I get up to next?

None. There will be no budget-defying or financial hijinks under my watch. But nevertheless, I do have news for you all!

First off, a big focus for me this term will be moving new merchandise into Novelties. If you’ve stepped into Novelties lately, you’ll notice that the shelves are pretty bare. That’s because we had stock just flying out of there last term! So, I will be working to refill the store with sweet swag. We already have some new patches on order, and we’ve got some other designs in the works. Keep your eyes peeled for announcements upon their arrival!

Furthermore, RidgidWare is also open! As part of a shift in design that started last term, we are trying to offer RidgidWare more as a service rather than a store. Feel free to drop in if you need someone to bounce ideas or discuss pet projects with! With that said, we are still trying to expand our physical offerings in the store. We have a lot of parts on order right now that we will be using to create small kits. Stay tuned for those as well!

Beyond that, also be aware that the Engineering Society Sponsorship Committee will be chosen soon and that the sponsorship proposal period will be open soon! Similarly, the proposal period for the Engineering Capital Improvement Fund is open too! Go online to the Engineering Society website and submit a proposal if you have an idea that would make life easier for your fellow engineering students.

That’s all I have for this update. As always, thank you for reading! If you want to reach out to me, you can always do so at vpfinance.b@engsoc.waterloo.ca. Until next time!

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