
Engsoc Charities!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello First years and A-Soc! The charity directors for this term have A LOT of events planned which we would like to share with you! Have you ever thought about how YOU could help other children across the world have an opportunity to go to school! Well this year Charities is donating all of their raised funds to Free the Children, to help build a school in India! We are taking over B-Soc’s charity to do our best and have Waterloo Engineering raise as much money as we can to help Free the Children build a school in India! We will be running the traditional pancake breakfast once a week, mm delicious! We will also be running a FLOAT day, that’s super delicious! I know how much you boys love growing your mustaches, well then Movember will be perfect for you! Movember is a whole month of people growing mustaches to raise money for prostate cancer.This term we are bringing in something new called “Halloween for Hunger”, where volunteers will go out early Halloween night to collect canned goods for Waterloo’s local food bank! Lastly, we will be running a charity hockey tournament against University of Ontario Institute of Technology! Keep your eyes and ears open in September so you can add all our events to your calendar!

Peace and Love,

Your Charity Directors

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