
PREZenting my end of term update!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hi Everyone! I can’t believe that this is my last update of the term. Time flies! I wanted to use this update to talk about my initiatives that I have been working on for the past four months.

Mental Health

Mental health was my major focus for the term, and I’m extremely happy with the progress that we’ve made. I have built up great relationships between EngSoc and Counselling services, and they are very open to our insights on how to improve their services. Mental Health Awareness week was extremely successful, and I am excited to see it grow in the summer. Based on the success of Let’s Talk Mental Health, we’re looking into running it multiple times next term. My major goal this term was to get people talking about mental health and to make EngSoc a loud voice in those discussions. I think that I succeeded in doing that, and I am very excited to continue working on this in the summer.

Business Cards

One of my goals for the term was to start selling business cards in the orifice. This initiative was a little bit of a flop this term. We have everything set up and ready to go, but people are not aware that it exists. I am definitely going to put more focus on advertising next term so that people know that it is something that is available

SSO Workshops

I worked with the student success office to put together two Engineering specific study skills workshops. We built on the already existing workshops by getting upper years to deliver the content and make them more specific to engineering. Both workshops were really successful!

Textbooks for Change

As part of closing the textbook library, we continued selling all of the textbooks that were in the orifice. We sold over 60 textbooks and raised over $300 for charity! We also donated the remaining textbooks for Textbooks for Change. We are also planning on continuing to work with them moving forward.

Miscellaneous Things

There are a couple of small projects that I am working on or have worked on during this term. The first one is getting FedS to change the time of their club fair to one lunchtime slot and one evening time slot. I wanted to bring this up so that engineering students could actually go see what is available across campus. I’ve also been working to get more information about E7, specifically how every program will benefit, even if it is an indirect benefit. I am also trying to get an ATM back into engineering.

That’s all from me this issue. If you have anything you would like to see come from EngSoc, shoot me an email at president.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca Good luck on finals, and I hope you all have a wonderful work term next term! See you in the summer!

Fifth Council Meeting Summary

We had our last council meeting on Wednesday, November 25th in POETS. We elected our CRO, Lexa Michaelides  who will be running the first executive election with the new structure next term. The ECIF allocations were presented to and approved by council as well.

We had a lot of awards to give out as well, so I want to recognize and congratulate all of the winners again:

Leadership Excellence Award: Allyson Francis

Leadership Excellence First Year Award: William Yang

President`s Awards: Katie Chin, Katie Arnold, David Perna, Tianyu Guo, Bryan Mailloux

Paul Harlik Awards: Sarah Martin, Chris Sparling

Council and exec discussed the exec feedback that was given this week, and we came up with a lot of great improvements to make in the summer. If you are on campus in the winter, make sure to go to A-SOCs council meetings, and if you are back in the spring, we are looking forward to seeing you in meetings then.

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