
Where Did The Term Go?!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Wow!  I can’t believe this is the last article of the term already!  This term has just gone by so fast, so many awesome events took place and cool things happened!  Guess it’s that time to really reflect on what happened this term.

Directorship Support

Part of my platform was to offer more support to directors so they could run more great events.  The way I am accomplishing this is by revamping the transition documents and how they are filled out.  This term, my lovely commissioners, manager, and coordinator were contacting the directors shortly after their events happened to get a better break down of what went wrong, what went well, and what could be done better the next time.  The transition documents are also now broken down by event instead of just by general directorship, so that new directors can see what types of events the previous directors ran. Hopefully, this will help directors to continue directorships and allow them to come up with new and creative events to run!

Mental Health

So much has happened with mental health this term, thanks to the efforts of our mental health directors!  They continuously update a blog on mental health, ran events like “Let’s Talk Mental Health” with help from the president and other supportive students, and have continued to try and stop the stigma and increase health awareness.  The Engineering Society is now seen as a leader in mental health.

Hardware Skills Workshops

This term was the first time we introduced and ran hardware skills workshops, and let’s just say the turnout was amazing!  This term we ran PCB Design and an Arduino Workshop for the first time, and they went so well that we are hoping to introduce more next term, including a Soldering workshop.  Keep in mind, these workshops were made possible by students like you who came to us, the executive, and asked to run these and make them possible!  Keep coming to us with your ideas for new workshops and events.  We’re here for you. <3

First Year Directorship Mentoring

Taking a page out of A-Soc’s book, we decided to expand the first year mentoring program to run a first year directorship mentoring program to try and get first years involved in running events without the intimidation of taking it on alone.  We had over 30 first years participate, which is fantastic!  After talking to a few of them, I’ve heard nothing but good things about the program, so I will definitely encourage A-Soc to continue and pass it on to the new VP-Internal role for Fall 2017.

Introducing New Roles

This term was also the first term the POETS Coordinator and Workshops Manager positions ran.  These roles were created to assist the Student Life Commissioner and the Student Services Commissioner in supporting directors, by putting some of their directors under the Coordinator and Manager and allowing us to run a more dynamic range of events.  Because of this, we were able to run more workshops and introduce new events like DnD and PCB Design!  We are looking forward to continuing at least the POETS Coordinator role for the next term!

Overall, this term has been awesome and such a great first school term as VP Internal.  I look forward to working with you guys on new and awesome events in the Spring 2016 terms.  Keep being awesome!

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