
Exam Bank Prizes and Co-op Numbers, oh my

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey everyone! Hope you’re all staying afloat as we approach that midterm stretch.

Midterms generally aren’t exciting, but this time I have an exciting announcement to make! This term we have started a new initiative to encourage submissions to the Exam Bank. For every exam you submit electronically or in paper to EngSoc, you will earn an entry to a raffle for a cool prize! (We budgeted for cool prizes, don’t worry, they will be cool.) Bonus entry if your exam has solutions. Raffles will be held at the end of each month, and the winners will be contacted and announced on EngSoc social media. See the blog post on engsoc.ca for more details! Help us keep the Exam Bank up to date and usable as the powerful resource that students know it as.

Second, some numbers for your interest: 2408 engineering students are employed for the current Fall 2015 work term, at an employment rate of 99.0%. Keep in mind that this figure includes those in volunteer or research positions on campus. Job satisfaction, as surveyed by CECA during every work term, averages at 8.15/10 in engineering, just short of the average of 8.22/10 across all faculties. In general, students are finding their work terms rewarding and good learning experiences. Hope that encourages you as Jobmine main round continues!

I will be continuing to update engsoc.ca with blog posts regarding the various meetings I attend regarding academics and co-op education. If you ever have any academic questions or concerns, I’m happy to respond to emails at vpeducation.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. Thanks and see you around!

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