
Vice Presidents External

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey there! We are Ola Suchon, Will Wilmot (A-Society) and Kieran Broekhoven (B-Society), and we are your Vice Presidents External. We are responsible for all things outside of the University itself, and our portfolio covers a broad range of activities. From charities to engineering outreach to the Waterloo Engineering Competition, there will be plenty of opportunities to work with and get to know us, so don’t be afraid to join in!

As engineers, we find it really important to make sure we’re engaged with our community. For this reason, every year the student body votes on a charity that the Engineering Society supports for a full calendar year. We run plenty of charity events that you can volunteer at or just participate in. Be sure to keep an eye out for things such as Charity Grilled Cheese and/or Pancakes, Change for Change week and more! Stay tuned to find out what cause we will be supporting, as we would love to have your help!

As VP Externals, we are also your official representatives to external bodies related to engineering students and Professional Engineers. This includes Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO), the Engineering Student Societies’ Council of Ontario (ESSCO), and the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES). There are numerous opportunities for everyone to participate in conferences with engineering students from around the country, and share your experiences. This is a great way to learn about how other schools’ Engineering Societies function and bring new information back to our school. Applications for the First Year Integration Conference will be released soon, so don’t miss your chance to join our delegation!

Another major component of our portfolio is reaching out to students about the exciting and challenging field of engineering. This includes our current students, through the Waterloo Engineering Competition and National Engineering Month, as well as to younger students in collaboration with Engineering Outreach. The goal is to promote engineering as a fulfilling discipline, which we do through a variety of outlets.

We are looking forward to meeting you all, and we hope you have an amazing time here at Waterloo! Don’t be afraid to reach out to us, or to try something new. Best of luck in first year!

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