
Tips to Stay Motivated

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey friends! As I sat down to write this article, it was 27 degrees out and all I could think about was how much I wanted to be outside enjoying the sun. Then I realized that this has been my attitude the entire term. I’m finding myself having very little motivation to work and very little focus when I try. So, I thought I’d write this article about some tips and tricks to stay motivated, since I know I’m not the only one with this problem.

1. Make a list: Making a to-do list helps keep track of all the assignments coming up, but it can also be used as a motivational tool. For me, one of the most satisfying parts of finishing an assignment or lab is crossing it off my ever-growing to-do list. It makes me feel like I have accomplished something. Sometimes I even have multiple lists if I’m feeling extra discouraged!

2. Break down large tasks: If you have large projects, break them down into smaller specific tasks. This can give you a better sense of where you are on a big project and it also gives you more things to cross off your list!

3. Set attainable goals: If you set reasonable goals, you’re likely to feel more accomplished after completing them, instead of feeling discouraged if you don’t finish an unrealistic amount of work. If you’re one to schedule out when you’re going to work on each task, understand that it is unrealistic to finish three assignments in one afternoon.

4. Take breaks: Don’t feel bad about taking a break! No one can focus for hours on end. But try to do something productive with these breaks, so you don’t lose that motivation and focus. I use Zumba to take study breaks; it’s great because I relieve some stress at the same time.

5. Reward yourself: Set yourself a goal and reward yourself accordingly. If you’re working towards a reward at the end, you’ll feel more motivated whether that reward be a night out with friends, a movie night, or an extracurricular. Just remember that a large goal should result in a large reward, and a small goal a small reward.

6. Learn to say no: During the summer term there are so many events and different opportunities available. Treat the events and opportunities as rewards for when you complete a goal.

7. Get help if you need it: If you’re really struggling, don’t feel embarrassed to seek help. There are many resources on campus here for support including Needles Hall, Engineering Counselling, or Student Success Office. You can even drop by the Orifice (CPH 1327) or shoot me a facebook message, and we can chat!

Those are my tips for staying motivated during the term. If you have any others that you find helpful, send me an email (vpinternal.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca) or stop by the Orifice! Good luck with the rest of the term!

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