
EngSoc Elections: Morgan Molyneaux and Ola Suchon (VP External)

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello fellow engineering students! We are Morgan Molyneaux and Ola Suchon, and we are running as a pair for the position of VP External for the Waterloo Engineering Society. We are very excited about the opportunity to represent you, along with the rest of next year’s executives, to other Engineering Societies, the PEO (Professional Engineers Ontario) external organizations, and the community at large. We believe that between the two of us, we bring a balance of experience and passion to all areas of the VP External portfolio.

Ola is currently in 2018 Civil engineering. She has plenty of experience working with not only our EngSoc outreach events, but also with both the ESSCO (Engineering Student Societies’ Council of Ontario) and CFES (Canadian Federation of Engineering Students) councils as well. Being the ESSCO VP Communications for the past year has allowed her to get very involved in the greater engineering student community. She has also previously liaised with various external organizations such as PEO and OSPE (Ontario Society of Professional Engineers) in planning events as well as representing the engineering student voice.

Morgan is currently in 2019 Geological engineering and, like Ola, is very passionate about creating further outreach connections in the engineering community. She has been her class EngSoc rep for the past three terms, and is taking on the Canada Day Directorship for the Spring 2015 term. Aside from that, she is an Engineering Ambassador and has been part of Women in Engineering since coming to Waterloo. In addition, she is also a member of both OSPE and SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) which has enabled her to represent herself to the greater-engineering community.

We hope to combine our passions for the portfolio to expand and reach out to as many engineering students as we can. Stay tuned during the campaign period for more information about our platform and qualifications and remember; two heads are better than one!

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