
Kieran for VP External

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hi! My name’s Kieran Broekhoven, and I’m running to be the Vice President External of EngSoc. My role as VPex would be to oversee anything relating to the society’s interaction with the community around us. I have lots of plans for how I would like to help the society be run for the next 16 months and I hope you will agree with my ideas.

Firstly I would like to ensure the continuation of past success in this position. I would like to ensure that external events continue to be run effectively by strong directors who have access to everything they need. I intend to focus on the important past external matters such as Bus Push, Engineering a Difference and Canstruction. I would also like to continue to focus on properly representing EngSoc in the national engineering community. I highly prioritize selecting and preparing proper delegates for conferences such as the Engineering Student Societies’ Council of Ontario and the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students.

I also have new ideas that I would like to bring in. Something I would like to implement is hosting a hackathon for high school students in the Waterloo area. This is a nice benefit to the community but also provides good experience to many potential UW Engineering applicants. After years of hackathons we have plenty of experience to ensure a fun and successful event. Another thing I would like to introduce is blood runs, which are definitely not as morbid as they sounds. Occasional large group trips to donate blood could be a fun activity as well as a great community outreach event. I would also like to welcome any new ideas that others bring to me about new or current outreach events, as I strongly believe that the ideas of the executive team should reflect the ideas of the society as a whole.

I believe that I am well qualified for this position. This is my third term at the university and I have gotten involved in different aspects of EngSoc. I have led as music co-director, TalEng director, sponsorship committee and a class rep. I have also gotten involved in events such as coffeehouses, Battle of the Bands, EngPlay and year spirit events. I have lots of leadership experience outside EngSoc as a martial arts instructor, play director, tutor and student council member. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about me or my platform! You can get me at 519 572 1785 or kieran.broekhoven@gmail.com.

Stay classy, UW.

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