
VP External: Wiggity WEC!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey everyone!  Midterm season is (for the most part) over, which means more time to partake in a bunch of the events EngSoc has to offer over the next few weeks! Since the material you’ve learned so far this term is still fresh in your minds from studying, or cramming, over the past 1 to 3 weeks, why not apply all that knowledge in the Waterloo Engineering Competition?  The Waterloo Engineering Competition, or WEC for short, is a chance for all undergraduate engineers to put their skills to the test in this design competition.  WEC is run by your Engineering Society and the Sandford Fleming Foundation (SFF).  Participants can sign up as a team of four and can partake in the Junior design, Senior design, Consulting or the Programming competitions.

The Junior design competition is open to all first and second years while the Senior design competition is open to all third and fourth years.  Check-in for the Junior design competition is at 5:30 PM and for the Senior design competition, check-in is at 4:30 PM on Friday November 7.  Competing teams will be given a design problem on Friday evening with different problem statements for the Junior and Senior design competitions.  The teams will then work on the Friday night to engineer a solution to their problem until 11:00 PM for junior design, and 12:30 AM for senior design.   On Saturday, November 8 from 7:30 AM to 1 PM, each team will have a chance to present their engineering solutions to a panel of judges.

The Programming Competition is open to students in all years.  Similar to the Junior and Senior design competition, sign up for this competition is in teams of four.  All teams will be given the same problem, for which each team must find a solution.  Each team will reach their solution by putting their programming skills to the test, which they will present to the judges the next day from 7:30 AM to 1 PM.

If you’re looking to put your project management and research to the test, partake in the Consulting Engineering Competition!  All undergraduate engineers are eligible for this segment of WEC and compete in teams of four.  Teams are given an engineering problem for which they must work with their teams to come up with a solution that is both economical and feasible.  Check-in for this competition is at 5:30 pm on the Friday, and competing teams have until 12:30 AM on Saturday to come up with their solution to be presented on Saturday from 7:30 AM to 1 PM.

So you may be wondering why you would want to partake in WEC when you already have engineering classes, assignments, midterms, projects, labs, etc.  Well maybe it’s the chance to actually apply all the skills and technical knowledge attained from your assignments.  Or perhaps the chance to win great prizes from one of the aforementioned competitions.  Winning teams will have the chance to represent Waterloo and compete against engineering students at other schools across the province at the Ontario Engineering Competition (OEC) hosted by Ryerson University in Toronto on February 6, 2015.  Winners from OEC will have the chance to compete in the Canadian Engineering Competition, where you would be competing with 150 of the most innovative engineering undergraduates in the country.

All of these awesome opportunities start with participating in WEC, so why not?  You’ll at the very least have fun and learn a lot.  Sign up for WEC is now open!  The link has been sent out through the EngSoc mailing list, as well as the Facebook groups, but just in case, sign up here: http://bit.ly/12rds5r.  If you have any questions about WEC, OEC or CEC please feel free to email me at vpexternal.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca or your WEC Commissioner, Will Wilmot at wec.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

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