
VP Education: EngFair, Teaching Awards and even MORE meetings!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hi people of engineering and welcome to yet another exec update from yours truly. More than a few things to cover this time soooooo let’s do this!

First up is an update on the WaterlooWorks demo days. Those will now be taking place on Wednesday November 5 and Monday November 10 instead of the November 3 and the 5. Otherwise, there will be a presentation by CECA at the EngSoc meeting on October 29 explaining all the cool new features that will be in WaterlooWorks (hint: It’s way better). In general, if you want to keep in the loop about WaterlooWorks I recommend you join the WaterlooWorks student panel Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/317004421788243/) to get the latest on updates and give input into the project.

Next up is EngFair! EngFair is coming up on Tuesday November 4 and will have a number of employers present. This is a great opportunity to meet face to face with employers and get that all-star co-op or full-time job in the process. We are working on some raffle prizes for those that bring their resumes to the event so don’t miss out! More details can be found on the facebook event (https://www.facebook.com/events/1506676719578806/) and if you have any question feel free to send the Career Fair directors an email at careerfair@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

Another thing coming up soon is the deadline for the EngSoc Teaching Excellence Award. If you have a professor, lecturer or lab instructor that is under the Faculty of Engineering (sorry, that means Rohan or your calculus prof aren’t eligible) that has gone above and beyond what is expected of them or has just been awesome, you should nominate them. The nomination form can be found at bit.ly/EngSocTeacherNom and the deadline for applications is October 31 just before midnight. If you have any questions about the nomination process send an email to teachingaward@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca and the committee members will be happy to answer you. The winner of the award will be announced in the middle of November in this very paper, so stay tuned!

To be even more jumpy with this exec update, I wanted to give another update on my initiative to meet with every program’s academic reps. I met with the Systems Design reps last week and learned a lot of interesting things about their program. I’m continuing to meet with various program’s reps every week or two and should hopefully be done by the end of the term with the programs that have 2015’s on stream right now.

The last thing I wanted to say this week is a big thank you everyone that filled out the fall 2015 scheduling survey that I sent out a couple weeks ago. We received almost 500 responses in a very short period of time and I presented the results to the Feds Education Advisory Committee. I will give a proper update once I know what direction the University is planning on taking.

That’s all for this week and as always if you have questions please feel free to send me an email (vpeducation.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca) or pop by the orifice at any time. I hope midterms and job hunting has gone well for everyone and I’ll see you next issue.

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