
Directorships and events: WEEF

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello first years!

As you all know, you recently experienced the exciting activity of paying your first tuition costs! Although that is not actually exciting at all, there was one portion of it that is! For those of you that looked at the more detailed breakdown, you saw a $75 fee for the ENG Endowment Fund, and probably thought to yourself “what is that?”

What that is is your contribution to the Waterloo Engineering Endowment Foundation (or WEEF as you will learn to call, and love it, by). Your money helps to build up the largest student run endowment fund in the country, with a principal of over TWELVE MILLION DOLLARS!

WEEF is a foundation run by students to help us help ourselves. It allocates hundreds of thousands of dollars each term for upgrades to lab equipment, student space, and pretty much anything and everything else that students want! It is an amazing organization, that you should definitely get informed and involved with. Keep an eye out during the first couple weeks where we will be running elections for you to represent your class to WEEF Council, and for you to help decide where all that money goes to!

If you aren’t interested in doing any of that, remember to keep WEEF on your mind at all times. If you ever catch yourself thinking “this equipment is old and broken,” or “why can’t we have this instead” just shoot me an email, and WEEF can get to work!

I look forward to meeting all of you in the coming term, if you have any suggestions shoot an email to weef@uwaterloo.ca.

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