
VP-External: Term in Review

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

At the beginning of the term I outlined what I planned to accomplish during my term in office. While I didn’t accomplish everything I planned to do, I believe my contributions helped move the society forward.
First off, the Engineering a Difference program, run by Director Matthew Robichaud, was a great success. Engineering a Difference helped out at two major events in the Kitchener-Waterloo area: the Walk to Fight Arthritis and the Discovery Days at Waterloo Square, hosted by the Children’s Museum in Kitchener. Special shout outs go  to everyone who volunteered and made Engineering a Difference a success.
Another goal I managed to accomplish this term was to continue the Alumni Speaker series. Lee Brooks, a Computer Engineering Alumni, gave a talk about his experiences as a Waterloo undergraduate and how they helped him become Director of Product Marketing at Sandvine Networking Solutions. The main theme of Lee’s talk was to market yourself successfully to your potential employer, even if you have never worked in their field of interest before. Lee gave one of the best talks by an alumni the program had ever seen, and the students who attended left with insight into how they could find success.
There were certain goals I didn’t manage to accomplish this term, but plan on doing so in the Winter term. The main goal I have yet to achieve is to increase awareness and participation in the Engineering Student Societies’ Council on Ontario (ESSCO) and the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES). I had planned  to create a poster board display and use it to talk to students about how they could get involved in ESSCO and CFES, however I didn’t have the time to complete this goal. I plan on completing it in the Winter term, along with increasing our participation in National Engineering Month.
Other events under my portfolio that were successful this term were Canada Day Celebrations and the Waterloo Engineering Competition. Huge shout outs go to Janna Henzl for coordinating both of these events simultaneously. Much thanks also goes to the Waterloo Engineering Competition Directors!
That’s it for me for this term. I hope everyone has a fantastic Fall…I am looking forward to seeing you next Winter!

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