
VP Winternal Update: End-of-Term events!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello, friends: the term is now coming to an end, but there are still a few cool things that will be happening before the term ends! Wednesday July 23 will be the second and final coffee house of the term. It will be in POETS right after the last EngSoc council meeting, and POETS will be licensed and serving beverages for the duration of the event. Come out for some coffee, snacks, and/or a beer with friends while listening to chill music performed by other engineering students! Then, immediately following the coffee house, is the kickoff to “FEngSoc 24/7”, which will start at the stroke of midnight on July 24th and continue for a full day of activities. For specifics on that event, check out Allyson’s presidential address in this copy of the Iron Warrior. Then, on Friday July 25 is the End Of Term party in POETS from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, so come out for a final party before classes end and exams begin!

There are also rumours of both National Service Dogs puppies in POETS as well as a de-stress yoga session to help get you through exams. We’re still working out the details for that, so stay tuned for more information on these events.

With this term wrapping up now, I’d like to give a shout-out and a huge thank you to all the lovely directors who helped put on all of our events and workshops this term! There’s no way we could have put on as many cool things as we did this term without all of your help! If any of you want to help out again and run either the same directorships or new ones you haven’t tried before, stay tuned for the opening of directorship applications in a couple of weeks!

Now it’s time to enter exam crunch-mode! See you all in the winter!

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