
Initiatives Galore: POETS Door and More!

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hi Waterloo! I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. We’re down to less than a month left of the term before we get into finals, but there is still plenty going on to take us through July! But first, some final updates from Joint Council for you all, regarding initiative updates that were presented by Leila, the A-Society president, and I.

The pair of us are currently working with the Engineering 7 Space Committee to develop the student space in the new building, which will include a quiet study area with cubicle-style seating as well as a group study area which will feature bigger tables for collaborative work. The group study space will also function as a dining room during lunch hours, with tables and bar seating available alongside microwaves and sinks for students to eat the lunches they brought with them, or food they purchased from the new C&D, also going into E7.

Aside from that, we are also continuing to work on communication and branding strategies, which include implementing proper methods for document retention and record-keeping, effective use of all our mailing lists and communication outlets, continued LCD screen installation, and last but not least, the website upgrade. These initiatives are all progressing at various paces but are going well so far!

We’re continuing to work on the implementation of the Board of Directors, and establishing their role within the society, as well as the relationship that Board will have with the rest of the Society Executive and staff. As well, the executive review committee has been formed and will begin to meet in the Fall term. This is a larger initiative that will occupy our efforts until next Joint Council, in the Spring term of 2015.

Something new that we are also looking to implement is a Diversity and Inclusivity policy for the Society. Currently, although many Engineering Societies have similar policies, the Waterloo Engineering Society does not have any documentation or procedures regarding members, volunteers, staff or elected representatives who detract from the attitude of inclusivity and diversity that the Society has been working to promote. This policy would ensure that all who are involved in the Society are bound by an agreement to create a safe and welcoming atmosphere for all members.

In other news, the Leadership Excellence Award for this term has been presented to Victoria Suen, who is a fourth year Architecture student! We were very impressed with her contributions to the community, Waterloo Architecture, and the Faculty of Engineering. Congratulations Victoria! Applications will reopen in September, so if you are on stream in the Fall, look out for that!

And finally – the POETS door design contest is open until July 20! There is a Facebook event where designs can be submitted (at bit.ly/poetsdoor), or they can be emailed to executive@uwaterloo.ca. The templates and rules can be found on the Facebook page, or if you do not have access to them please email any of the executive and we can send them to you!

If you have any questions, or have anything else you’d like to hear about or ask me, please shoot me an email at president.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca, or come by the orifice anytime! Talk to you soon B-Soc!

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