
VP Education Update

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hey there, beautiful B-Socers! Welcome back to campus! I hope everyone is having a great term so far (minus the lousy cold days that Mother Nature has thrown at us). I am working on a number of projects this term, and I will be continuously updating you about sessions and education-related news.

Academic rep coaching is being introduced with the help of the new academic rep advisors. This session will be held on Thursday, May 29, 2014, and will focus on training class reps to effectively communicate with professors. First year representatives will have a chance to interact with upper year class reps to get an idea about their responsibilities. So if you’re a rep, SHOW UP! (Food will be provided).

As most of you may know, WaterlooWorks is coming! Jobmine is soon going to be replaced, and a pilot program is going to run for the architecture students this spring. I am currently talking to the Co-operative Education & Career Action (CECA) to put a booth in CPH for the students to look at the website and get a feel of what to expect in 2015.

Are you in first year? Are you looking to get involved? Scared that you don’t have time for fun? Well be afraid no more…ENGSOC is introducing a First Year Personal Development Panel! This is where you will get to ask upper year students about how they balance school work and extracurricular activities, and they can give you an overview of different activities happening on campus. It’s NOT TOO LATE to get involved.

Alright, that’s my blurb! I will keep you posted about any interesting educational thangs that come up during the term. Feel free to approach me via email (vpeducation.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca) or pop by the Orifice (CPH 1327) to chat about any questions or concerns.


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