
President – What’s Up: Spring ’14!​

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Welcome back to campus, B Society! My executive team and I are very excited for our first on-term stint, and hope all you fine people are too!

We have lots coming up in the remaining 12 months we have left in office, so I have put together a work plan to make sure that all of my promises to you, the engineering students, are met.

The overall vision I have for the Society in its current state is to prepare it for the future. I want to focus on long-term benefit, and establish changes that will promote rapid growth of the Society from this point forward. To do this, I have broken my ideas into groups by orientation, and laid out actions to take and metrics to gauge success.

The first thing that I want to prioritize is improving the Society’s image significantly, with the majority of this change needing to come from the membership itself. The divide between those who regard EngSoc as a primary source of student support and those who hardly even consider themselves a member is ever-present, and although the Society has come a long way in recent years, drastic change is still required if the Society ever wants to be taken seriously. It is my goal to orient the Society in a more professional and business-like manner, and to continue to try to reach each student through the development of more meaningful services. I have also undertaken an initiative this term to interact more regularly with the general membership face to face, and also hear students’ concerns and feedback in an informal setting. If you are around CPH on Fridays at lunch hour, make sure you come to the POETS patio to meet exec and grab a freezie at this new event!

My work plan continues to discuss plans for Society communication strategies, branding, online presence, and Engineering 7 plans, and if you are interested to read more about what I am working on, my work plan will be published shortly on the Society’s new website – you heard that correctly! Farwa Naqi, the web development director, has been working hard over the last month and a half to put together a new website for EngSoc and so far it is looking fantastic! I can’t wait to release the site for user feedback. Stay tuned for more, and for the release of our exec work plans with the new site!

As far as bigger projects go, the Governance Review Committee (GRC) that was established last Fall is beginning to wrap up and prepare its recommendations to bring to Joint Council (to take place Sunday June 22nd at 10am in DC 1351 – come on out!). These recommendations will be presented with a motion to adopt changes to the Society’s current governance structure, including such items as the adoption of a Board of Directors and General Meetings. Updates on this will be published as the Joint Council meeting approaches, so keep an eye out for that!

This article is already too long, so if you have anything else you’d like to hear about or ask me, please shoot me an email at president.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca, or come by the orifice and/or out to the POETS patio next Friday at lunch! I look forward to hearing from you, and meeting those of you who I haven’t met yet. Take care B Soc!

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