
VP Fine Update

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello fellow engineers!

My name is Melissa Ferguson and I am your current VP Finance. I am very excited to be serving you as part of the Engineering Society executive team, and I have a lot of plans for the upcoming term.

My number one goal for the term is to ensure that every engineering student feels like they are benefiting from their EngSoc fee. The main action I will take to ensure that fewer students are feeling irritated by the EngSoc fee is to really pump up the Student Deals program. For those of you who are unaware of this program, there are many restaurants in the University Plaza that give special deals to Engineering Society members. All you need to do to be a part of this deal is bring your WatCard to the Engineering Society office (CPH 1327) and ask for a Student Deals sticker. To use this sticker you just need to show your WatCard to an employee at any of the participating restaurants to get a deal!

My second goal for the term is to increase awareness of the Engineering Capital Improvement Fund (ECIF). I am currently working on a Facebook page for ECIF awareness where I will create a summary of everything that has been purchased using ECIF funds, such as the furniture in POETS, and all of the board games in the Orifice that are free for everyone to use.

My final major goal for the term is to improve the quality and variety of the Novelties merchandise. A design competition for new Novelties merchandise started on Monday which will hopefully bring in many great ideas for new swag. The competition will be running for an entire month, so you have lots of time to submit whatever ideas you may have. I also intend to introduce department-specific patches based on previous feedback. Finally I am in the process of improving the functionality and layout of the Novelties Facebook page to make it easier to find out what Novelties has to offer.

The Engineering Society budget for the term was passed at the most recent EngSoc meeting, and we are looking to be in good shape. There are many new events that are being funded this term, such as the AutoCAD workshop, Ice Cream workshop, and sleepover in POETS, which are all exciting!

If you have any suggestions or questions for me please do not hesitate to email me at vpfinance.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. I look forward to hearing from you.

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