
VP Internal Report

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hello once again my beloved B-Soc, A-Soc (on work term) and random others that may be reading this.

Well the term is ½ done now, and it’s finally summer.  Midterms are finished, what could be funner!  Don’t you just love the longer days, as well as the abundance of sun rays.  The chirps and tweets of little birds; apparently I’m now rhyming my words.  I’m writing this article to keep you informed, you have no excuses and you have been warned.  Coming up soon on June twenty six (26), is a day when A-Soc and B-Soc will mix.  That’s right you guessed it, it’s joint council, come one come all, come Gretel and Hansel.  If you are a rep for your fine class, you need to RSVP, so get off your ass.  We’ll discuss where we were, where we are, and where we’re going, I hope that all of you will be in showing. So come on out for an evening of fun, I know I’ll be sad when it’s all done.  Just talking about joint council puts me in the mood, and of course like always there will be food.

What:    EngSoc Joint Council Meeting
When:   June 26th, 3:45pm
Where:   CPH 3607
Who:   Everyone
Why:  It will be fun

Peter Kelly

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