
VP Finance: Final Report

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.
At the final EngSoc Council Meeting of the term last Wednesday, Council approved the allocations seen in the table (WHERE) as proposed by the ECIF Committee. There were no changes made to what the Committee recommended. The items that show $0 as a proposed cost did not specify what the cost would be. POETS Renovations is purposely a broad item so that any renovations that are required may be completed. This will likely include such things as a new projector, replacing light switches that don’t function properly, repairing the fridge behind the bar, as well as anything else students suggest needs doing. If you have any suggestions on what could be repaired in POETS, please contact us at vpfinance@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. 
As we are now approaching the end of the term, my duties as VP Finance are coming to an end. I leave you in good hands with Melissa Ferguson and I’m sure she will do an even better job than I have. If you have any questions regarding the finances of the Engineering Society please stop by the Orifice and talk to either myself, the ASoc VP Finance Kevin McNamara in the Winter, or Melissa next summer. We want to hear from you!

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