
VP Education Article

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Hi Everyone! The term is in motion, the first two rounds of jobmine have passed and interviews have started. This can be a stressful time, and before anyone gets too overwhelmed, I’d love to introduce and explain the amazing services the University of Waterloo offers!  I highly recommend looking into Counselling Services if you have any mental health needs, no matter how small you might think they are. They will help you with issues ranging from substance abuse, relationships, anxiety, depression, stress and so much more.

In terms of updates, the Engineering Faculty is planning on rolling out a new program – Biomedical Engineering! It will be very similar to the current Systems Design Engineering program, with a more medical and biological spin. If everything continues to go as planned and nothing is delayed, it should be ready to go for Fall 2014. They plan on accepting 40 students to be able to keep a close eye on the program and ensure its success.

With new programs, more students and two streams for multiple programs, the idea of 8 month work terms is becoming a more popular topic. I am sending out a survey to all engineering students and I strongly encourage all of you to complete it, so that the engineering faculty will have a better sense of how you, the students feel. Do you wish your program had the option for 8 month work terms? How do you feel about potentially switching cohorts as a result? Do you think the longer work term would provide you with more opportunities to prove yourself to your employer? If you have any more ideas or thoughts on this topic that cannot be expressed in the survey, please email me and I will be sure to pass on the information.

Lastly, Larry Smith, an economics professor famous for his lectures and respected by students in all faculties, is starting a new lecture series called, “So, you want to be a star?”. The lecture series is about entrepreneurship, and is meant to inspire students in the workplace. The first lecture will be taking place on October 23 at 5pm in the Theatre of Arts, ML. If you are interested I highly recommend registering and attending.

Remember, if you have any questions regarding your academic life feel free to email me or speak to me whenever I am in the orifice. Keep up the good work!

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