
VPs Education: Drew Dutton, Orysia Soroka & Megan McNeil

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Welcome Engineers of 2018! You are about to embark on your journey through a diverse and engaging educational experience on the road to becoming a Waterloo alumnus!

As Vice-Presidents Education of the Engineering Society (A-Society: Drew Dutton, B-Society: Orysia Soroka), we are here to represent the academic interests of the engineering undergraduate student body. This includes student representation on a number of committees: the Co-operative Education Council (CEC), the Co-operative Students Council, the Co-op Working Group, and the Senate Undergraduate Council. As well as representing the engineering student body by attending all of these meetings, we will do our best to relay the information back to you and make it as accessible as possible. To hear about the latest educational news, you can read the Iron Warrior for an update, or attend the biweekly engineering society meetings. Also, never hesitate to come and visit us when we are in the Orifice (the Engineering Society Office) or to send us an email. This fall to contact Orysia, the VP this fall, do not hesitate to email vpeducation.b@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca. To email Drew, the VP for the winter term, email vpeducation.a@engsoc.uwaterloo.ca.

As can be seen, a great amount of time is spent on co-op related agendas, since all engineers will spend almost half of their degree on work term. Typical topics addressed are employment rate of the various departments, initiatives to increase these rates, and initiatives to reach new employment markets. Of late, a particular emphasis has been placed on the development of 8-month work terms for some departments. This is an example of something that will likely be an on-going topic of discussion over the duration of your stay at Waterloo, and something that we will be working hard towards to improve, and to help the student body see changes that they are interested in.

Earlier this year Co-operative Education & Career Action (CECA) announced the planned release of our new employment screening software with Orbis. Currently, all students have been using the software called “JobMine” to apply for co-op positions. Details of how the software will work are still unconfirmed, but you can expect more information over the next two terms. What this means for you is that you will very likely be familiarizing yourself with our current software (JobMine) and quickly forgetting it to learn the new Orbis software a couple terms down the road. If you have any questions or need help getting things figured out, we would gladly be of assistance in the EngSoc office.

Co-op aside, we are here to help you with all things academic in any way shape or form. We, along with the Engineering First Year Office, are here to help you with the transition from high school to university. If you have any questions about anything academic related, again, please don’t hesitate to come ask! We answer a wide array of questions on a continual basis. From study tips, to issues with grading and due dates, to examination conflict advice, you can ask us anything!

We are very excited to have you joining us here at Waterloo. We hope that you’ll stop by in the EngSoc office to say hello, even if everything academic is going perfect for you!

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