
Directorships & Events: Women in Engineering (WiE)

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

Have you ever wanted to get involved but are unsure on how to start? Have you wondered where to continue your hobbies in university? Wouldn’t life be easier if you had a mentor with similar interests who can answer all of the above?

The University of Waterloo has always been one of the best in outreach programs, especially in improving female enrollment for the Faculty of Engineering. This Fall 2013 we’ll be continuing the Women in Engineering First Year Mentorship Program. The Mentorship Program pairs you up with an upper year student and provides opportunities for you to bond and talk.

In the past Women in Engineering has hosted BBQs, co-op panels, keychain workshops, and campfires. If you have any questions about being a female in engineering or want to hear experiences from other students this is a great way to do that.

Women in Engineering is not just for women either. Women in Engineering recruits volunteers for a number of female oriented elementary and High school events! One of these events is GoEngGirl; an event that invites grades 7-10 students to Waterloo for the day to partake in fun engineering related activities.

Keep an eye out for these events and more by joining our facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/wie.mentorship.

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