
Engineering Pride Vs. Engineering Arrogance – Presidential Report

Note: This article is hosted here for archival purposes only. It does not necessarily represent the values of the Iron Warrior or Waterloo Engineering Society in the present day.

I would like to first say that all contents of this article are of my own opinion and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Engineering Society.

I would also like you to note that I am in no way telling any student how to act, since if I were, the entire contents of this article would be quite hypocritical itself.

There is a line, no matter how grey or how fine it is, there is a line between pride and arrogance. Humility is the opposite of arrogance, and it is possible for a person to be humbly prideful of oneself. Pride is a very powerful emotion, something that can drive a person to greatness and inspire others around them. Arrogance however does nothing of the sort of inspiring others, but in all reality only provides the opposite effect.

Pride is a fantastic feeling, it is the feeling one gets when they successfully accomplish a very difficult task. When one then decides that this accomplishment, be it a great event or skill someone posses, deems them to be better than others, then their pride becomes arrogance.

Engineering pride is awesome, and I feel like our pride is something that makes us special, we should all be proud to be in engineering at Waterloo, we are all in difficult programs and work very hard to achieve the things we have achieved. However, this does not mean we are better than any other faculty at Waterloo or any other students across Canada. Everyone has something they are proud of, and they all have their own faults, just like us. I think it’s time we embraced each other’s strengths, I personally am looking forward to bettering our relations with the other faculties, because they are just as awesome in their own ways.


Also here is some actual information you may like to know:

An accountability motion was passed where all Engineering Undergraduate students will have the opportunity to critique their Engineering Executive, much like a course critique. However we need a CFO (Chief Feedback Officer) to develop this survey and implement it. If you would like to be the CFO come to the Engsoc meeting #3 and nominate yourself.

(Meeting # 3: June 9th RCH 302 @ 5:30PM)

Remember to email me questions that you would like me to directly ask the Dean.



1 Comment

  1. YES! thank you! i’m almost ashamed of being an engineering student because of all the arrogance i see around me.

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